Esoteric Acupuncture
Understanding Esoteric Acupuncture for Women’s Health
- Esoteric Acupuncture for Women’s Health works to promote the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It has over 5,000 years of rich history in treating women’s health successfully by addressing the person as a whole: balance to the body organs, digestion, elimination, hormones, emotional
well-being, immunity, and reproduction. - How we diagnose in Chinese medicine is based on looking at the tongue, taking the pulse, and gathering important medical notes about your signs and symptoms during the first visit. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine has its own comprehensive medical model and is the leader in preventative eastern medicine.
- We also use other techniques such as cupping, gua sha, palpation, moxibustion, and Chinese herbal medicine as part of treating all Women’s health in our clinic.
Understanding Esoteric Acupuncture
Esoteric acupuncture uses a powerful combination of different modalities for those in who are seeking spiritual expansion or development in their lives. This is a treatment sought by all types of individuals. It can be beneficial for regular patients seeking better health & wellness, spiritual healers, those seeking higher spirituality, experiencing life transitions, and individuals who have experienced grief, trauma or loss.
The modalities used in esoteric acupuncture include guided meditation, aromatherapy, energy healing, intentional prayer, and Reiki alongside acupuncture treatments. What these esoteric treatments will reveal are deep layers of the ego, and the blockages that stop us from reaching a higher vibration and more peaceful way of everyday life.
Benefits of Acupuncture
- Boosting Immunity
- Hormone balance
- Pregnancy Support
- First Trimester Support: morning sickness, early spotting, fatigue, anxiety, constipation
- Second Trimester Support: swelling, back pain, hormone balance
- Third Trimester Support: back pain, sciatic pain, labor preparation, labor progression with cervix dilation
- Postpartum Support
- Peri-menopause
- Menopause
- Pain management
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Digestive Issues
- Autoimmune
- Thyroid Disease
- Arthritis
Hear Tina discuss acupuncture on
Scott Ware’s “The Ware With All” Podcast
Women’s Health, Esoteric spiritual acupuncture, Esoteric fertility, Pregnancy & Postpartum care in Dana Point Friday’s 2-6 pm
Book Your Session Now:
Frequently Asked Questions
How does acupuncture affect fertility?
Acupuncture has been shown through clinical trials and studies to aid in fertility by producing higher quality eggs and sperm, regulating hormones, regulating menstrual cycle, and improving the uterine lining.
How does acupuncture reduce chance of miscarriage?
A study performed by the Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Center in Colorado Springs found that acupuncture significantly reduced miscarriage rate in in vitro fertilization, while the therapy reduces problems that cause miscarriage for Fountain Valley, CA patients.
Is fertility acupuncture just for women?
Fertility acupuncture is not only geared towards treating female fertility, but is also benificial for both men and women. For men with low sperm counts or low quality sperm, acupuncture in Fountain Valley, CA can aid in promoting the production of healthy sperm to improve fertility.
Do treatments continue after conception?
Acupuncture doesn’t have to stop for those in Fountain Valley, CA after they’ve conceived their child. Acupuncture treatments can help to provide a healthier and better balanced pregnancy as it improves aches, pains, nausea, and other conditions for mom.
Sacred Spirit Rising
23271 Buckland Lane
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Tina Ghahramani-Singh L.Ac.
Certified Women's Empowerment Coach
(949) 444-7131
© 2020 Sacred Spirit Rising